Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Earth's Deadly Storms: Hurricanes

What Should I Know?

There are many factors that contribute to the creation of a hurricane. Hurricanes can vary in size and strength. This impacts the damage that occurs. National Geographic explains how hurricanes work: 

Hurricanes are categorized by their wind speed. The higher the number, the greater the damage. The weather channel explains the categories and the damage they cause:

Knowing what to do during a hurricane can save your life. Knowledge is power. shows you what to do during a hurricane: 

After the hurricane, what are you supposed to do? This is a question many people might not know how to answer. Oceantoday.noaa.gove has created a video to show you what to do:

It's Almost Hurricane Preparedness Week!

During this week, there are certain days that are set aside to teach and promote preparation. The following videos and pictures came from

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